Changes to the school day from 24th February 2025
Following a consultation, the school day will be changing. Please see the following timings. A letter has been sent to parents with the full details.
- Morning sessions will start at 8.45am and run until 11.45am.
- Afternoon sessions would start at 12.15pm and finish at 3.15pm.
- Children attending all day, will therefore be in Nursery from 8.45am to 3.15pm.
- Lunches would run from 11.45am -12.15pm for children who attend any all-day session.
Reception through to Year 6
- Doors will open at 8.40am and close at 8.50am.
- Registration will start at 8.45am and end at 8.50am.
- Anyone arriving after 8.50am will need to enter school through the office and will be marked as Late (L code).
- If anyone arrives after 9.15am – this will be listed as late after the register has closed a (U code – unauthorised absence).