On Wednesday 25th May our Year 4 children took part in the Garforth Schools LKS2 football tournament. We were proud to take two mixed teams plus one all girls team. The event was held at Fives soccer centre in Seacroft and excitement was high at school leading up to the event. The tournament was divided into two pools (A and B) . The top two teams in each pool went through to the semi-finals. During the pool match stage it was great to see children not only enjoying themselves but playing with great skill, determination and effort (even if they went a few goals down early on in the match!).
Green Lane A team went through to the semi-final stage but lost to East Garforth who went on to win the competition – congratulations to them.
Thank you to Mr Wales as always for organising the event and Mr Brough for his support on the day and building up to the event.
Here is what some of the children thought about the experience they had playing in the tournament:
Jack F – “I enjoyed it and it was fun. I loved meeting other people and playing with them!”
Megan I – “It was really enjoyable and different because we played with other people!”
Molly W – “I was really excited and loved that it was competitive!”
Joe H -“I enjoyed it because I got to play football and I love football!”
Eimear McC – “I really liked it because we were competing against other schools – even though we didn’t score any goals I loved it!”
Bradley S – “It was fun because I played with all my friends and even though we didn’t win, it was still amazing!”