KS1 children were excited to welcome author Hilary Robinson to Green Lane last week. Hilary spoke about her ideas for writing children’s books and shared some of her books with the children. Hilary focused on Peace Lily and Flo Somme which reflect the Armistice. The children had the opportunity to buy a signed copy of the books.
Flo Somme
The stories of the many animals involved in the First World War make a great way to explain to children the sacrifices made by the soldiers: the animals had no choice but to take part, had no nationality, and children can quickly identify with them. Flo is a Mercy dog, one of those trained to find the wounded and dying on battlefields and sent out with medical supplies. The story is told in rhyme, building through repetition.
Peace Lily
A book which gives young children a real sense of World War One. Lily, Ben and Ray are childhood friends, spending long summer days playing together in the fields and woods round their homes. They grow up however, when Ben and Ray sign up for war leaving Lily at home. Soon ,she too is at the front however as a nurse at Passchendaele. There she is reunited with her old friend Ben. The story gently demonstrates the extraordinary courage and resilience shown by ordinary people in such a terrible situation.