As part of our enterprise project we have been learning about the Incredible Edible Garforth Project and the fantastic work they do in our local community. The project visited our school over the summer and left some plants and seeds for us to plant this week. All children have been spending time in our wildlife area doing a range of activities from planting to picking fruit, creating labels for the fruit and vegetables and taking photos of the fruit and vegetables. We have been exploring how these fruit and vegetables could be used in cooking by exploring a range of recipes. Children have been learning to use Microsoft word to type up a recipe of their choice and add their own twist to it if they want to! At the heart of the ethos of the Incredible Edible Garforth Project is enabling the local community to share in fruit and vegetables that are grown. Parents are welcome to visit the wildlife area down near Willow class and help themselves to the plums and pears growing there.
It’s also been a very physical week with the Year 3 inter-house cross country event taking place on Wednesday. All the children showed fantastic determination to complete the course and there were lots of amazing performances. We held a mini sports day when the children, in their house teams, took part in a range of races including the egg and spoon, obstacle and sack race. Other events included boccia and the badminton challenge. It was great to see such enthusiasm on show from everyone – well done on a great start to the year boys and girls!