On Friday, we had a very exciting visit from the science dome! Year 3 went in first and they found out about the 3 main types of rocks and the rock cycle. Interestingly, they discovered that most rocks can actually change over time so that they have been all 3 types! We watched a really interesting movie inside the dome which showed the journey of many different rocks. Finding out that dinosaur poo has fossilised was a highlight for many!
Here’s what some of the Year 3 children thought:
Archie J “It felt like a 3D movie!”
Max McF – “It was really amazing – I liked it when the volcano erupted!”
Eve S – “It felt a bit creepy because I felt like it was actually happening!”
Nina H – “It was cool because when the first volcano erupted it was really satisfying!”
Oliver L – “It linked with our new Science topic. There was some work around fossils and they told us that even dinosaurs have become fossils over time! We found out of volcanic rocks can form from lava – there are many different types. Some have holes with gas in them, but we looked at one type in particular.”
Charlotte – “It wasn’t what I expected at all, we loved it. It was something completely new and different. We looked at crystal. It was a pyramid and it would have taken thousands and thousands of years to form.”
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After Year 3 had completed their learning, Year 6 went into the dome where they found out all about Darwin and Evolution. The Year 6 children learnt lots of wonderful things and here’s what they thought of their experience:
Scarlett G: We have never done anything like this before. It was clever because it was moving and you could see the animals in lots of detail.
Zac B: It helped support our learning – the animals looked like they were coming right at us!
Jenson: It covered lots of aspects of Darwin’s life and we got to experience what Darwin might have felt like when he was on the Galapagos Islands. When we went into the dome, the sound felt like it was all around us.
Isla M: It was a 3D dome and from it we we learnt more about Darwin’s perspective. They showed us how they adapted to fit the environments around them. We saw iguanas, the blue footed booby bird and giant tortoises.